Warning: This documentation is in early alpha and may not work properly, if you have any issues getting setup, email api@kaped.io for help. Additionally, make sure you test your build in our sandbox environment first before putting it in production!
var KapedPartnerApi = require('kaped_partner_api');
var api = new KapedPartnerApi.RESTCallsApi()
var body = {
"username" : "partner@kaped.io"
}; // {{Login}}
var apiKey = apiKey_example; // {{String}}
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.loginTokenPost(bodyapiKey, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class loginTokenPostExample
public void main()
var apiInstance = new RESTCallsApi();
var body = new Login(); // Login |
var apiKey = apiKey_example; // String |
// Login
apiInstance.loginTokenPost(body, apiKey);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling RESTCallsApi.loginTokenPost: " + e.Message );